As I regained consciousness, I remember asking..."If, I could goto a friend's house for the night", and then my parents went total nuts on me. The impression of what I thought was right, seemed to be wrong. I didn't know where I was, nor where I was going. All I knew, was that I wanted to get out of my house. So, stubbornly I started to walk down the road. The night air was cool, the clouds were still, you could see a clear circumference of the moon. I didn't imagine anything going wrong. That idea of mind all changed when I seen the bright headlights coming around the corner, and the car slowly started to approach me.
I felt a strong pressure on my head, I could feel my feet sweep out from underneath me and my mouth open to say something, but nothing would come out. I didn't know what was happening. I heard a loud voice, a man's voice, he was talking about how he'd found a girl. Preferably me. He said, "She was lying on the side of the street, cold as can be. I had to pick her up." Oh, what a liar, I was walking down the street. I knew that whoever he was talking to, couldn't know the truth.
My mind started clearing, I blinked my eyes a couple of times and everything started to come back to sight. I looked up to notice that I was being carried in a butch man's arms. He had a brown beard, shaggy hair that was very unpleasantly everywhere and looked as if it hadn't been washed in a couple of days. I could smell his scent, nothing that was recognizable, he smelt like baby oil with a hint of burnt grass. Defiantly not my cup of tea in choice of smell. He was carrying me down some sort of vestibule, it felt as if he had been carrying me for hours. We come upon this room, it was red and bright.
I was laid down in front of this elderly man. We looked into each other's eyes as if we knew one another. He asked me, "Why did this young lad here, find you on the side of the road?" I started crying ballistically, I poured everything out, what had happened with my parents and why I had left. I also told him the truth, I wasn't laying on the road, the man stopped and kidnapped me. As soon as those words came out of my mouth, the old man stood up. He went over to my kidnapper, and asked him if what I was saying, was true. He admitted that it was, the old man had guards come and take him away.
The old man came up to me and apologized for what what happened. He told me that he took full blame for it, he gave me a hug and hoped that everything would work out for me in the end. I never expected this to happen to me in my life. I knew I would have to forgive the man that kidnapped me; but it was an experience that'd never be forgotten.