Monday, November 9, 2009

My Bucket List

100 Things that I want to do before I die

1. Meet my best friend Timothy.

2. Learn to play the guitar.

3. Lose weight and be completely comfortable with myself.

4. Go to college.

5. See my favorite bands live.

6. Visit every state in the U.S.A.

7. Learn Swedish, French, Spanish, Russian, German, and Dutch.

8. Learn to play the piano.

9. Go to Mexico, Canada, Sweden, Australia and Great Britain.

10. Visit Elvis’ house.

11. Visit John Lennon’s gravesite.

12. Make a change in this world.

13. Get over my fears.

14. Ride a rollercoaster.

15. Go to Africa and help the poor, and see how it feels like to live there.

16. Move to Pennsylvania.

17. Sing in front of a lot of people.

18. Become a vegetarian.

19. Meet my biological father.

20. Fly in a plane.

21. Watch Across The Universe 5,000 times. I’m on 36 so far.

22. Grow my hair out really long and donate it to Locks Of Love.

23. Go to a Texas Tech game.

24. Get a tattoo.

25. Have kids, and give them the best that I can.

26. Meet my inspirations.

27. Go skydiving.

28. Hold a snake.

29. Camp out in a tent.

30. Get a good paying job.

31. Win the lottery.

32. Ride in a hot air balloon.

33. Try to find a cure to cancer.

34. Go to Las Vegas.

35. Become a psychologist.

36. Go swimming in the ocean.

37. Visit the statue of Liberty.

38. Build a stronger and closer relationship with God.

39. Make a CD in a recording studio.

40. Meet my soul mate.

41. Shake the hand of a president.

42. Be a hairstylist.

43. Go to the mall of America.

44. Go on a cruise.

45. Get married on a baseball field.

46. Ride a horse.

47. Create a website.

48. Build a robot.

49. Shave my head and let all my hair grow back.

50. Hug a complete stranger.

51. Find the end of a rainbow.

52. Remain friends with the friends that I have now.

53. Forgive and forget everyone that I have something against.

54. Go to Disney Land and Disney World.

55. Run barefoot in the snow.

56. Become a radical activist.

57. Hit a human piƱata.

58. Be on a talk show.

59. Go on a shopping spree.

60. Try a Red Bull energy drink.

61. Watch a sunset.

62. Go to the beach.

63. Get a ferret.

64. Try a skittles blizzard.

65. Run a marathon.

66. Go on to American Idol.

67. Stay awake for a week.

68. Go a month without texting.

69. Write a book.

70. Own a diamond.

71. Go to a circus.

72. Ride a dirt bike.

73. Eat all flavors of dipping dots.

74. Preach.

75. Go skiing.

76. Play football.

77. Do a photo shoot of someone famous.

78. Not have surgery.

79. Dye my hairs all the colors of the rainbow.

80. Jump rope 500 times.

81. Hold a frog.

82. Go deep-sea fishing.

83. Try foods that I wouldn’t have thought about trying.

84. Climb a tree.

85. Watch a different movie every night for a week.

86. Laugh until I turn purple.

87. Grow my nails out.

88. Get braces.

89. Go hunting.

90. Read the entire Bible.

91. See Lake Michigan.

92. Spend a day with my grandmother.

93. Not worry about anything.

94. Dance with a stranger.

95. Paint a painting.

96. See my friend Spencer.

97. Go tanning.

98. Go to a haunted house.

99. Keep from breaking any of my bones.

100. Live life to the fullest.

Eight Parts Of Grammar

10 Nouns: School, concert, Mitchell, music, Dallas, Dylan, truck, Faygo, people, floor.

5 Adjectives: Sticky, pink, loud, hilarious, crowded.

3 Adverbs: Forcefully, quickly, slowly.

2 Conjunctions: And, but.

3 Verbs: Dreaming, singing, laughing.

2 Prepositions: Beside, In front.

1 Interjection: WOW!

2 Pronouns: he, him.

Dylan called me last night and told me that he wanted to take me and Mitchell to a concert in Dallas. All three of us were incredibly hyped about it. We all loved this kind of music, it was our favorite band, and we've always wanted to see them live. We asked our parents, and were able to go. So, Dylan came and picked us up from school and we quickly headed out on the road in his truck. Once we got there, it was already crowded with people. When the music started, it was loud and they started to spray pink Faygo all over the place. Everything was sticky, the floors, the walls, and our faces. People were pushing each other forcefully. Someone slowly walked up on stage and ran out and dived into the crowd. The band was yelling the most hilarious things, the whole room would fill up with people laughing. Dylan was standing beside me, and he got pushed into some guy that threatened to beat him up for it! There were people dancing and screaming in front of me. All I could get out to tell Mitchell was, "WOW!" But, I opened my eyes, and realized that I was dreaming. This hadn't really happened.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Shakespeare Language

Last night me and my friend's did a coranto.
One of my friends said that it was bern, and we couldn't tell anyone.
After that, we sang fancies. We sounded like a fracted record.

God hath given you one face and you make yourselves another.

I think that Shakespeare was trying to say God made you who you are and you're
not putting that to use. You're masking yourself to fit in with others.
Be who you are, not something you're not.

Friday, September 11, 2009


I don't think that I was at school on 9/11.
I remember being at home with my parents and
crying because I thought that Childress was going
to be bombed too. Do we remember when Martin Luther
King Jr. died? Then yes, I believe the we will remember 9/11.
It will be something that wont be forgotten. It may not
be mentioned much but it will be remembered.
No one knows the reason why they bombed us.
I don't know someone that was directly affected by
it, but I know families that suffered from it.
If I were to write a story over it; I think I'd do it through a mothers eyes. Someone
who lost their husband in the tragedy and has kids.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Vocabulary Word

Why gloat over something that happened four years ago? Forgive and forget.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Friends or Morals?

I don't think I could accomplish what I want in life
without some of the friends I have or had.
The thing is, what you do in life will effect it forever,
most friends come and go. It's the ones that stay
through it all, that matter. What I believe in doesn't
conflict with whom I am or become friends with.
We're our own individual. We're different because if
we all had the same things in common; we'd get bored.
I think that friends can help you change morals and stuff,
but when it comes down to make your own decisions.

Friends have nothing to do with it.

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Lovely Bones

This book sounds very, very interesting.
I hope that it's not one of those books that sound
that way, and end up being a waste of time to read.
I love reading stories that can relate to people.
I hope that the author is able to capture how it
felt, and that we'll actually feel something while
reading it. I believe that it'll be worth the read.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Usage of Blogs.

I think that we'll use the blog for posting poetry and stories.
Well atleast that's what I'd like to do.