Monday, November 9, 2009

Eight Parts Of Grammar

10 Nouns: School, concert, Mitchell, music, Dallas, Dylan, truck, Faygo, people, floor.

5 Adjectives: Sticky, pink, loud, hilarious, crowded.

3 Adverbs: Forcefully, quickly, slowly.

2 Conjunctions: And, but.

3 Verbs: Dreaming, singing, laughing.

2 Prepositions: Beside, In front.

1 Interjection: WOW!

2 Pronouns: he, him.

Dylan called me last night and told me that he wanted to take me and Mitchell to a concert in Dallas. All three of us were incredibly hyped about it. We all loved this kind of music, it was our favorite band, and we've always wanted to see them live. We asked our parents, and were able to go. So, Dylan came and picked us up from school and we quickly headed out on the road in his truck. Once we got there, it was already crowded with people. When the music started, it was loud and they started to spray pink Faygo all over the place. Everything was sticky, the floors, the walls, and our faces. People were pushing each other forcefully. Someone slowly walked up on stage and ran out and dived into the crowd. The band was yelling the most hilarious things, the whole room would fill up with people laughing. Dylan was standing beside me, and he got pushed into some guy that threatened to beat him up for it! There were people dancing and screaming in front of me. All I could get out to tell Mitchell was, "WOW!" But, I opened my eyes, and realized that I was dreaming. This hadn't really happened.